Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Assembly Source File
162 lines
title TRYTD --- time & date demo
page 55,132
; TRYTD.ASM -- Demonstrate use of time and date routines
; OS/2 version
; by Ray Duncan, Copyright (C) 1988 Ziff Davis
cr equ 0dh ; ASCII carriage return
lf equ 0ah ; ASCII line feed
stdin equ 0 ; standard input handle
stdout equ 1 ; standard output handle
extrn DosClose:far ; OS/2 API functions
extrn DosExit:far
extrn DosOpen:far
extrn DosQFileInfo:far
extrn DosWrite:far
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
finfo label byte ; receives file info
cdate dw ? ; date of creation
ctime dw ? ; time of creation
adate dw ? ; date of last access
atime dw ? ; time of last access
wdate dw ? ; date of last write
wtime dw ? ; time of last write
fsize dd ? ; file size
falloc dd ? ; file allocation
fattr dw ? ; file attribute
fi_len equ $-finfo ; length of info buffer
msg1 db cr,lf
db 'The current time and date are: '
msg1a db 12 dup (' ') ; time formatted here
msg1b db 8 dup (' ') ; date formatted here
db cr,lf,lf
db 'The TRYTD.EXE file time and date are: '
msg1c db 12 dup (' ') ; time formatted here
msg1d db 8 dup (' ') ; date formatted here
db cr,lf
msg1_len equ $-msg1
msg2 db cr,lf
db 'Can''t open TRYTD.EXE'
db cr,lf
msg2_len equ $-msg2
fname db 'TRYTD.EXE',0 ; name of this file
fhandle dw 0 ; handle for this file
faction dw 0 ; receives DosOpen action
wlen dw ? ; receives actual number
; of bytes written
_DATA ends
_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT,ds:DGROUP
extrn systcvt:near ; format system time
extrn sysdcvt:near ; format system date
extrn dirtcvt:near ; format directory time
extrn dirdcvt:near ; format directory date
main proc near
; format system time...
mov si,offset msg1a ; buffer address
mov bx,11 ; buffer length (max 11)
call systcvt
; format system date
mov si,offset msg1b ; buffer address
mov bx,8 ; buffer length (max 8)
call sysdcvt
; open TRYTD.EXE file...
push ds ; address of filename
push offset DGROUP:fname
push ds ; receives file handle
push offset DGROUP:fhandle
push ds ; receives DosOpen action
push offset DGROUP:faction
push 0 ; initial allocation (N/A)
push 0
push 0 ; file attribute (N/A)
push 1 ; open if exists, do
; not create file
push 40h ; deny none, read-only
push 0 ; DWORD reserved
push 0
call DosOpen ; transfer to OS/2
or ax,ax ; did open succeed?
jnz main1 ; jump if open failed
; get file date/time...
push fhandle ; file handle
push 1 ; info level (always 1)
push ds ; receives file info
push offset DGROUP:finfo
push fi_len ; length of buffer
call DosQFileInfo ; transfer to OS/2
mov ax,wtime ; format file time
mov bx,11 ; buffer length
mov si,offset msg1c ; buffer address
call dirtcvt
mov ax,wdate ; format file date
mov bx,8 ; buffer length
mov si,offset msg1d ; buffer address
call dirdcvt
; now close file...
push fhandle ; file handle
call DosClose ; transfer to OS/2
; display formatted
; date and time...
push stdout ; standard output handle
push ds ; address of message
push offset DGROUP:msg1
push msg1_len ; length of message
push ds ; receives write count
push offset DGROUP:wlen
call DosWrite ; transfer to OS/2
; final exit to OS/2
push 1 ; terminate all threads
push 0 ; return code = 0 (success)
call DosExit ; transfer to OS/2
main1: ; open failed, display
; "Can't open TRYTD.EXE"
push stdout ; standard output handle
push ds ; address of message
push offset DGROUP:msg2
push msg2_len ; length of message
push ds ; receives write count
push offset DGROUP:wlen
call DosWrite ; transfer to OS/2
; final exit to OS/2
push 1 ; terminate all threads
push 1 ; return code = 1 (error)
call DosExit ; transfer to OS/2
main endp
_TEXT ends
end main ; defines entry point